We have plugins for the major php shopping carts and we have code samples in JAVA, PhP, Python and .Net.
A quick start guide to jump in and start playing with the PayU integration. The guide provides you with an overview of the integration options, a summary of steps and information you need to get started.
Integrate seamlessly to process transactions using your own UI. All requests done using the Enterprise API are via server side calls, allowing you to keep your customers on your website or within your app to complete payment.
Integrate seamlessly by redirecting your customers to our payment page. This option provides a low development cost model for accepting multiple payment methods. It removes many of the PCI DSS requirements for merchants who wish to integrate credit card payments into their online stores.
We have plugins for the major php shopping carts and we have code samples in JAVA, PhP, Python and .Net.
A developers portal has been developed to make things easier. This includes essential documentation, information and glossary, tools and more. You can access the portal here.
A description of all error codes and trouble shooting help are available in the developers portal.
All the payment logos for your online store are available via the Brand Portal page on our corporate website.
We support multiple payment methods, including credit cards, M-Pesa, Equitel, Airtel Money, and EFT bank transfers.
We offer multiple integration options to fit your needs, capacity and budget. Integration options currently available include: